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Interventions for perpetrators of abuse

Writer: Claire VerneyClaire Verney

Updated: May 23, 2024

Research indicates that only 1% of perpetrators receive an intervention in the UK to address their abusive behaviour. In this post we look at the different options available to move cases forward while keeping the focus on child protection.

intervening to stop abuse continuing

Domestic abuse practice in the UK is usually focused on supporting victim/survivors and their children and while this is important, many victims feel this unfairly puts the burden on them to make all the changes without the abusive partner facing any consequences. Research also shows us that high-risk perpetrators are often repeat offenders with some having up to six different victims. It makes sense then that instead of focusing solely on the victim we also work with the abusive parent and press them to make changes and hold them responsible for their behaviour. So what interventions are available?

Domestic abuse prevention (perpetrator) programme

The most common intervention for domestic abuse cases in the community are domestic abuse prevention programmes (DAPP's). A DAPP is a behavioural change programme and is built specifically for perpetrators of domestic abuse. They are the only intervention that research has demonstrated has some success at stopping domestic violence. Therapy sessions, couples counselling, anger management or parenting programmes that do not address domestic abuse dynamics are not recommended for abusive parents and are unlikely to address the deeper issues that relate to the risk posed by a perpetrator of domestic abuse.

DAPP's are challenging courses aimed at changing behaviour with session topics usually including:

  • techniques for de-escalation

  • understanding the cycle of violence and abuse

  • emotional abuse

  • building empathy

  • examining past and current abusive behaviour

  • attitudes to women

  • respectful relationships

  • sexual respect

  • understanding the effects of abuse on children

  • exploring parenting

As these programmes are designed to challenge and change abusive behaviour participants must admit that they have used abusive behaviour and have sufficient motivation to make the changes needed. Community DAPPs will usually require a suitability assessment first and will only accept those perpetrators that take responsibility for at least some of their behaviour and show some willingness to work on them.

Groupwork programmes are often only suitable for those that 'fit' in a group which means that there may be no provision for those that need a translator, same-sex or female perpetrators, registered sex offenders or those with learning difficulties or have mental health needs. Perpetrators that are suitable for a DAPP but cannot attend a group programme may be able to attend a DAPP delivered on a one to one basis. These programmes will usually include the same topics as mentioned above but have the opportunity to focus on specific areas of concern. One to one programmes can also be delivered remotely and DV-ACT's programme includes an online learning environment to reinforce the learning within the sessions and promote lasting change.

These programmes should always have child protection as the primary concern and they cannot guarantee a reduction in risk. Therefore, it is not recommended that any changes be made to child contact arrangements until a programme is completed and a positive final report is provided. Ideally, the final report should be completed by an expert risk assessor who can confirm whether sufficient change has taken place that can indicate safe child contact going forwards. For more information on the effectiveness of DAPP's visit our post - Do perpetrator programmes really work?

Motivational Programme

DV-ACT has developed a motivational programme for those perpetrators that are willing to complete work but do not show the level of acceptance of their abusive behaviour needed for a DAPP. This programme works with the parent on a one to one basis with the aim of moving them to a place where they are able to accept more of their abusive behaviour and increase their motivation to change.

The programme is tailored to the needs of the case and will cover the following:

  • Identifying the source of resistance

  • Motivational work

  • Understanding the cycle of violence and abuse

  • Gains and losses from changing behaviour

  • Understanding the impact of domestic abuse on children

  • Understanding the Local Authority's/courts concerns

  • Viewing DAPP material to prepare for a full programme

  • Cultural challenges

Designed specifically for fathers who have children in child protection measures this programme of work is not a programme that can reduce the risks to the victim and children but aims to get those who are in a state of entrenched denial to the point at which they can attend a full DAPP and work on their behaviour.

Parenting after abuse

For parents that need focused work on parenting following abuse our specialists can deliver a 10-session one-to-one intervention. This programme is bespoke and will focus on specific areas of concern, as a guide, sessions will include subjects such as:

  • understanding the impact of abuse on children

  • building empathy

  • examining specific incidents of past and current abusive behaviour

  • healthy parenting strategies

  • reparative parenting

Bespoke safety planning work

For those perpetrators that show no motivation to change and no acceptance of their behaviour but remain in contact with children DV-ACT specialists can deliver bespoke safety planning work. This work would take place only after a full risk assessment and would seek to mitigate the risk of harm to children who are living with an abusive parent as much as possible.

This would include a unique safety plan and safety rules, techniques for de-escalation, parenting work and a focus on safeguarding children. Any other topics concerning domestic abuse that would address the local authorities' concerns can also be covered by DV-ACT's bespoke work.

Can a DAPP reduce the risk to victims?

Completion of a programme does not necessarily reduce the risk towards victims and child/ren and can even increase the risks in the case, particularly if professionals and the courts consider that the risks are being managed by a programme and so de-escalate the case without first making sure the intervention has been effective. For this reason all DV-ACT perpetrator programmes include a suitability assessment (if they have not had a risk of joint assessment with us) and a full final report completed by an expert risk assessor. As a minimum DV-ACT final reports for a DAPP includes:

  • interviews with the client/s and with programme staff;

  • consideration of any new developments in the case;

  • details of the client’s engagement with the programme material;

  • a view on whether the client’s risk or vulnerability has been reduced;

  • further recommendations for risk management of child contact.

Risk assessments

For those that are not suitable for a programme, there are limited options left. One possibility is to have an expert risk assessment that could give an in-depth view of the risks and look at what risk management measures can be put in place. Although not a programme of work or treatment a risk assessment can help move a case forward with an expert view of the severity of the risk and the imminence. Suitability for bespoke treatment options can be explored within the assessment.

A DV-ACT risk assessment is completed with interviews with both the perpetrator and victim and as a minimum includes:

  • developmental indicators, including exposure to parental conflict in childhood;

  • history of abusive behaviour;

  • static and dynamic risk indicators including other important factors such as mental health problems, substance misuse, criminality;

  • an assessment of the severity of the risk and the imminence;

  • history of domestic abuse and the likely impact on the child/ren;

  • likelihood of further exposure of the child/ren to domestic violence;

  • parent’s understanding of the impact of the domestic abuse on child/ren;

  • the prognosis for treatment;

  • a risk management plan.

An expert risk assessment is usually completed by an independent expert witness who can also attend court hearings where needed. While a risk assessment does not aim to work with the perpetrator and does not include treatment sessions it can give the courts/local authorities a clearer picture of the risks in the case, how the risks can be managed and more specifically how children can be safeguarded against further domestic abuse in the home.

Where do DV-ACTION programmes fit in?

DV-ACT has created the DV-ACTION programmes to work with those perpetrators who do not fit into the generic mould of a perpetrator covered by other community programmes. Decades of experience working with perpetrators of domestic abuse means that we can deliver bespoke specialist work.

This is how we are different:


  • A child-centred approach - Regardless of the type of programme, victim or perpetrator, the safety of the child is always the main consideration and at the heart of everything we do.

  • Designed to make changes - Our programmes aim to move clients to a point where they can make effective changes.

  • Tailored to the case - All of our programmes are completed on a 1:1 basis so that the specific needs of the client can be met.

  • Virtual blended learning - Rather than the ad-hoc efforts delivered during the pandemic, our programmes are professional purpose-built online courses. 1:1 sessions with an expert treatment worker take place via video calling and online materials are available to reinforce the learning at home.​

  • Active learning styles - Programme materials are tailored to match the learning styles of the client.

  • Expert final reports - All of our programmes include final reports completed by expert assessors that can be used in court if necessary.

If you are a solicitor or social worker and want to know if a client is suitable please contact us.


For more information on perpetrator programmes you can visit the following sites:

A Call To Action A Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Strategy for England And Wales -

Helplines are available in the UK as follows:

National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247

The Men’s Advice Line, for male domestic abuse survivors – 0808 801 0327

Respect phoneline for perpetrators of domestic abuse - 0808 8024040

Childline - 0800 1111

Call the UK police non-emergency number, 101, if you need support or advice from the police and it's not an emergency. Always call 999 in an emergency.

About us

DV-ACT Programmes are a division of DV-ACT Ltd. DV-ACT comprises a team of domestic abuse experts, available throughout the UK, who provide assessments, consultancy training and treatment programmes to local authorities and the family courts.

DV-ACT was formed with the aim of using our expertise to help safeguard children from abuse, this is at the heart of everything that we do. You can find out more about us by visiting out blog post Who runs DV-ACTION Bespoke Programmes? or visit our main company website at

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